The Polish of the Week this week is one of my top ten favorite polishes- OPI Brand New Skates. Brand New Skates came out in the 2008 OPI Holiday collection. This is a totally unique polish in my collection and I just stare at it constantly every time I wear it. Brand New Skates is a medium smoky gray almost jelly finish polish with loads of very fine GOLD shimmer. It's the gold shimmer that makes this one different. You can see the gorgeous shimmer in my picture with flash above. In low lights (like the picture below), this polish has a stunning smoky look to it that I love. Even in low lights, you can see the gold shimmer particles, and sometimes the gold and gray together has a little greenish look to it as well. I just adore this polish so much!!!
I always take my no-flash pictures near the big sliding glass door in my house. This door leads out to our patio and my mom likes to throw birdseed and peanuts out that door for the wide variety of birds that live in the woods behind our house. But when you feed birds, you also get...
That board that he's sitting on is supposed to be preventing him from leaping into the house when we open the door, but you can see it's probably just making it easier for him to come right on in LOL. He sat there the whole time I was taking pictures; I guess he likes OPI Brand New Skates too!
In other news, Sephora by OPI Leaf Him at the Altar is available on the website right now!!! Yay!!
That is really pretty!!
Oooo - so pretty!!! I actually have Brand New Skates but haven't used it yet.
I just went to Walgreens by my work at lunch and scored Sally Hansen's Opulent Cloud! I can't believe it. I've been searching for months.
So I was going to do an Opulent Cloud mani for the weekend when I got home tonight, but now I might have to do Brand New Skates instead and wait till next week for OC. :) Luckily, my office is extremely liberal, as I don't ever wear "work-safe" colors. :)
Thanks gildedangel, I love it too!
Oooh Teresa, if you haven't used Brand New Skates, you really should! It's so gorgeous in real life! It's one of those polishes that is really interesting to look at, so if you get bored at work, you can just stare at your nails LOL. (Are EK and I the only maniacs who do that?)
Congrats on OC! EK and I are going on a polish hunting mission today, so you never know what we'll find!!
What a great colour polish! Don't worry, you aren't the only one that stares at your nails when you're bored at work, I do too. :)
Very cute squirrel too!
:) I'm about to do my nails, and I think BNS is it. :) I was too tired last night. I left OC at work (in too much of a rush to leave, lol) but stopped at the mall and oh my goodness did I haul. :) I got the icing blacks w/ glitter, icing bright glitters (both limited edition sets), 4 random icings (darn buy one get one 50% off deals ;))...and then sephora called to me. I got Not just a fairy tale, beauty junkie...two other I can't think of (light blues) (all $5 sale items)...and three hot topic no names. Sigh.
And in todays mail OPI's holo version of My Private Jet arrived. Hy hubbby hasn't seen my entire haul, and I think I don't want him too (not all at once! :)). I think I need to go on a no-buy. W/ the exception of some DS holos, a few Nubars (esp wildlife) and the new zoyas (oh, and the 2 glitter alice in wonderland opis) I think I can control myself. I think. :D
Oh, and you're SO not the only ones who stare at the prettiness that is a lovely manicure...I catch myself looking at the office, at my home computer, while waiting at a stoplight...anytime they catch the light... :)
the glitters and holos get me every time. I've decided my addiction isn't a problem, though, so it's all just a happy hobby. :)
Whoa Teresa, sounds like you had as good a day as EK and I did!!! That's really funny about OPI My Private Jet, because I was going to do that as my mani today! However, that's going to have to wait because Up and Away came today and we bought tons of polish today too LOL!!!
A happy hobby, I like that phrase!!
So Very Fabulous- thanks for stopping in, and I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo who stares at nail polish!
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