It's official. The drugstore polish companies are KILLING it for Fall 2011!!! First, I was blown away by Sally Hansen Insta Dri Bronze Ablaze. Now Revlon is having their moment with Revlon Carbonite, their answer to Chanel Graphite. I have exceeded my Chanel budget for the month (having purchased two items, I am now broke). I bought Peridot because it is super unique, and I really wanted Graphite as well. Fortunately, Revlon has released Carbonite. While it's not a dead-on dupe for Graphite, it's good enough for me.

Carbonite is a complex shimmering gunmetal polish. I honestly am not really sure what this formula would be called. It's not a foil, and it's not really a traditional shimmer either. In person, it kind of looks like a ton of individual shimmer particles all melded in together. Carbonite also looks different in different lights and at different angles.

Revlon polishes and I usually get along quite well, and Carbonite was no different. It applied smoothly and easily. This is only two coats, it was very opaque. Like I said about the Sally Hansen polish, if more drugstore polishes were like this, I'd never buy the pricey ones. Carbonite looks and acts like a much more expensive polish.

This is not the first time Revlon has released a near dupe for a Chanel polish. I think it's pretty cool that they come out with close matches to the Chanel "polish of the season". I'm sure Chanel doesn't think it's cool. Unfortunately for me, I was never able to find the other two Chanel-dupes, Black with Envy and Perplex. Perplex must have sold out in my town in about a day. I kept finding empty displays of it, but sadly, no bottles. So, if anyone ever sees those two in a blogsale, please let me know. I'd love to pick them up.

What do you think about Revlon's Chanel-duping trend? Love it or hate it?
It annoys me, but I love that it lets me have these polishes at such a low price.
When I get a chance, I'm definitely going to pick this one up. It looks fab.
I know what you mean. In a way, I don't want to like it, because I hate companies duping each other. BUT, I like to get the look a bit (ok, a lot) cheaper.
Got mine today..Whew!
Oh good, where did you find it, out of curiosity?
My local Walgreens has Perplex I'll grab a bottle for you.
Luna, that would be AMAZING!!! I looked in every drugstore in my town and another town as well, with no luck! Email me when you get it- neverenoughnails@gmail.com Thank you thank you thank you!
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