From what I've been hearing on The Weather Channel lately, Connecticut is not the only state to be experiencing the joys of winter weather. Snow storms, ice storms, freezing rain, Winter Armageddon... whatever your area's weather problem is, it can lead to some seriously dry hands. As nail polish addicts, dry hands is a major problem for us! Dry hands= chapped and red hands= makes your hot polish look kind gross. Plus, dry hands often go "hand in hand" with dry, torn cuticles.
So how I am planning to solve these problems for you? Invent a magical weather control device!! 75 degrees and sunny for all (damn you, San Diego).
No, I'm just kidding. I don't have a magical weather control device. I do have a REALLY good hand cream for you to check out though! My mom and I have been using Avon Moisture Therapy Intensive Treatment Hand Cream for probably 7 or 8 years now. No matter how many other hand creams we try, we continue to buy at least 3 tubes of this cream every winter.
This hand cream actually creates some kind of protective barrier on your hands. After it absorbs, you can feel it smoothing and moisturizing your hands for hours, even through gentle hand washing! During the day, I only use a few small drops of this cream, as it is extremely rich. It takes about a minute to absorb those few small drops, but the wait time is totally worth it. I really recommend massaging this into your cuticles as well. You will really see a difference in their appearance.
Now, in my opinion, the real effectiveness of this cream comes out to play at night. I squeeze gobs of this onto my hands and cuticles (so much that it turns white on my hands when I rub it in) and then put on my hand cream gloves. When I wake up, my hands are so smooth and moisturized, I almost forget that I live in the Arctic Tundra. But then I look out the window, and my dreams are ruined. I do NOT recommend applying gobs of this hand cream during the day, however. People definitely give you funny looks when your hands are covered in white goo.
I personally love everything about this hand cream. The only bad thing I can think of to say about it is that when the tube starts to be a bit empty, it gets a little bit hard to squeeze. This doesn't bother me too much, but my mom has wicked Carpel Tunnel, so it does bother her. If I had to rate this hand cream, I would give it a 9.9 out of 10. The BEST part-- right now, it's on sale for only $1.99!!!!! Avon does put this on sale pretty often, I think I bought mine for about $1.99 as well. Avon also makes body lotions and creams in this Moisture Therapy format, but I haven't tried them yet. I would definitely be interested in trying them in the future though!
Avon Moisture Therapy Intensive Treatment hand cream is currently $1.99 at
When Avon has a good sale, it's a GREAT sale! This product is one of Avon's tried and trues.
Agreed! I love a good Avon sale! They actually have some cool polishes from time to time. I have one that looks like Chanel Jade, but I got it about 2 years before Jade was made!
Hi, I'm new to reading/following your guys blog! :) Just wanted you to know that I LOVE it and have added it to my blog roll! :)
Thanks Natalie! Glad you found us! I'll definitely stop by your blog!
I love this hand cream too! Been using it for years!
Mrsrexy- it's the best! I think I need to buy some more while it's $1.99!
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