February 6, 2012

800 Followers GIVEAWAY!!!!

800 followers!!! I never thought I'd get this far! Thanks to all of you for reading my little piece of the blogging world. To show my appreciation for you guys, I'm having an 800 follower giveaway!! This giveaway is open to ALL READERS!!

I have THREE $10 gift certificates to the amazing Shop Llarowe!! If you have not heard about this slice of online paradise, shop.llarowe.com sells hard to find/difficult to obtain brands like Lynnderella, Ozotic, HITS, A England, and more! They also ship internationally, so I thought this would be a great giveaway.

Win Yourself $10 Towards Your Next Lynnderella Fix!

Now for the boring stuff:
To enter, you
1. MUST be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
2. MUST leave a comment on this post, stating how you entered (i.e. your GFC name, your Twitter name, your Facebook name) and leave a valid email address.

Optional Bonus Entries:
1. Follow me on Twitter and Retweet the following: "Follow @nvrenoughnails and RT to win $10 to Shop Llarowe!"  +1 entry

2. Like Never Enough Nails on Facebook  +1 entry

The giveaway will end at midnight, NYC time, on February 20, 2012!!! Gift certificates will be emailed to the winners, following confirmation of their email address.

Good luck, and thanks again for reading!!


Beyond Blush said...

great giveaway, congrats!!
GFC: OPI Addict


Duckie said...

GFC: Duckie
Email: samccormick2882@gmail.com

+ Liked you on Facebook! (Abbie McCormick)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!!
Email: ptite_meve@hotmail.com
Twitter: @TRMeve
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/TRMeve/status/166576379763240960
Facebook:Marie-Eve Lahaie

Amanda said...

Great giveaway and congrats!! :)

My GFC is Amanda (blog is Mad Manis) and my email is amandajean07@gmail.com. Thanks for this awesome chance! :)

ritterbraten said...

Congratulations! 800 followers is a great achievement :)
I'm following both via GFC and Twitter as ritterbraten.

Email: ritterbraten (a) gmail (dot) com

Thanks! =)

Arielle said...

GFC Arielle
email soccermoms.scraps at gmail.com
twitter: @soccermom59
tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/soccermom59/status/166596179390509057

Facebook: Soccermoms Nailed Page

Michèle Moda na Mão said...

GFC name modanamao
your Twitter name @modanamao
your Facebook Michêle Corrêa

leave a valid email address modanamao@gmail.com



I need these nails polishesss

funkiichiicka said...

GFC: funkiichiicka
Email: sorandum@hotmail.co.uk
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/waitupforJLSxo/status/166617799886770176
FB: Kara Walker

Congrats on your followers and thanks for the giveaway!

Abby said...

Wow! thanks for sharing the celebration with us!

GFC: Abby
email: abbythiessen@gmail.com

Laura said...

I joined on Google Friend connect and gmail. I liked it on facebook.

Email: zlaura97@gmail.com

Vedra said...

GFC: vedra
email: vedra(AT)gmx.at
Thank you for hosting this giveaway! :)

hysteriaofdecay said...

Awesome giveaway, thatks!
I follow via GFC as Ina

Unknown said...

GFC: Esmeralda V
FB: Esmeralda Valenzuela
Email: esmevalenzuela @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

GFC: Sirena Sparklestar
Email: sirenasparklestar at gmail dot com
Twitter: MoreSynthPlease
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/MoreSynthPlease/status/166670228896481280
FB: Sirena Sparklestar

Sarah said...

Congrats on your well-deserved following! ^_^
GFC: Sarah
Email: walkerjs7920 at gmail dot com
Twitter: fluffypuppynow
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/fluffypuppynow/status/166675192779771904
FB: Alice's Restaurant

Heather @ Peace, Love & Polish said...

GFC: Peace, Love & Polish
E-Mail: peaceloveandpolish@gmail.com

Unknown said...

gfc: manicured monkey
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/manicuredmonkey/status/166677223271710720

Facebook: kristin manicured monkey
manicuredmonkey at gmail.com


Tinny said...

Congrats on the milestone!

GFC: Tink l
email: tee.i.n.k at gmail dot com
twitter: tinny0_o


n said...

Wow, awesome giveaway!

GFC: Rochelle
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/RNHull/status/166695892882169857

Congrats to you~ ;D

Marlee said...

Fantastic giveaway! Very sweet of you :)

GFC: Marlee
email: loverlyxo@yahoo.com

Meg S said...

I follow on GFC! Meg S - mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com


Cami said...

Wow..amazing...congratulations!! I'm following via GFC as First Day of My Life and/or Cami


Sara said...

GFC Sara
FB Sara Rosati
e-mail misssararosatiATgmailDOTcom

A Tiny Blog said...

Excellent giveaway!

GFC: A Tiny Blog
Email: a (dot) tiny (dot) blog (at) gmail (dot) com

Amanda said...


GFC: Amanda
email: amandalandish(at)gmail(dot)com

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

GFC: Halifax

Follow and RT'ed: https://twitter.com/#!/Sparkled_Beauty/status/166909487695921152

Liked on FB: Ann N.

Eleobel said...

Eleobel on GFC russianbrideeugene@hotmail.com

Sarah said...

GFC: Sarah Crawford
FB: Sarah Crawford
Twitter: @Sarahcrawford14
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/sarahcrawford14/status/166992451607859200


NotesandNails said...

GFC: Notes and Nails
Fb: Notes and Nails
Twitter: @notesandnails
email: notesandnails@gmail.com

Sharon said...

Congrats on reaching 800+ followers :)

I'm a follower through gfc: Sharon
Email: polishinfatuated at gmail dot com

Thank you for the giveaway!

Camelia Andrasescu said...

GFC : Camelia Andrasescu
Email: andrasescu.camelia@gmail.com
Twitter : @cameliaadriana
Tweeted : https://twitter.com/#!/cameliaadriana/status/167379473094803457
FB : Adriana Camelia Andrasescu Scrieciu
Thank you

Lanneylovesmanis said...

GFC - Lanneylovesmanis
Liked on FB - Alanna Sopko
Email - asopko11@hotmail.com

Katy said...

Congrats on 800 followers! You totally deserve them!!!

I follow with GFC as katygmorris.

I also follow on Twitter as @katygmorris and just Tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/katygmorris/status/167518151364452352

I like you on FB as Katy Morris.

Thanks again!!! :)

katygmorris at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi, I came to know your blog, loved, congratulations and much success here, your blog is wonderful!

I'm following your blog! :)

I invite you to visit my Blog and if you like and can also follow my blog, you will be very welcome, feel at home!

Kisses from Brazil


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway and congrats!

I follow via GFC imfeelingnail-venturous.

I shared on my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/imfeelingnailventurous

my email is imfeelingnailventurous@yahoo.com

Thanks again!!!

LeeAnnStoner said...

Awesome giveaway!
GFC: Lee Ann Stoner
email: stonerfamily5@comcast.net

Followed you on Twitter with @LeeAnnStoner

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/LeeAnnStoner/status/167775495428112384

Liked you on FB with the name Lee Ann Stoner

Christie B. said...

Congrats on passing 800! Also thank you for the chance to win.
I follow with GFC as Christie Brooks
Liked you on Facebook as Christie Brooks
Follow you on Twitter as cupcakelovins
Tweeted- https://twitter.com/#!/cupcakelovins/status/167776039173492737

tracey said...

GFC tracey arredondo
traceysnails(at) yahoodotcom
I follow you on FB as Traceys Nails

Sporky said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

GFC is Sporky

email is sporklyn@hotmail.com

tracey said...

I tweeted too https://twitter.com/#!/mommydondo/status/167780491737579520
twitter @mommydondo
raceysnails at yahoo(.)com

Erin Semple said...

I'm so excited!
GFC: Erin Semple
Tweeted: nailpolisherin
email: erin.semple@yahoo.com

Lynn said...

Congrats on 800!
my GFC name is Lynn
Twitter: LErickson117 and I RTed https://twitter.com/#!/LErickson117/status/167809546415374337
Facebook: LynnErickson117
lerickson7 [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

My GFC name is mgeauxm
email ilchick26@yahoo.comhttps://twitter.com/#!/Mgeaux/status/167814375300792320

tattoome on facebook

peripatetic33 said...

1. GFC peripatetic33
2. twitter peripatetic331
facebook Peripatetic Thirtythree
peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com

Optional Bonus Entries:
1. https://twitter.com/#!/peripatetic331/status/168657165974900736

2. Like Never Enough Nails on Facebook +1 entry
Peripatetic Thirtythree

thank you

Amber @ My Nail Graffiti said...

GFC- Amber
Follow on twitter- @mynailgraffiti
Follow on FB- My Nail Graffiti


eRiN said...

I follow on GFC as eRiN, on Twitter as @erinmacmahon (tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/erinmacmahon/status/169246686588317696) and Like the FB page as Erin MacMahon

B said...

Thank you for the chance!
GFC: SayAnythingBrooke
Liked you on FB: Brooke Sliva

Brittany Raquel said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
GFC: Brittany Raquel
Facebook: The Nail Polish Guru
Twitter: @brittdub87
email: britt.dub87@gmail.com
RT: https://twitter.com/#!/brittdub87/status/169307671252574208

Sarah D. said...

Hi, thanks for the awesome giveaway!

I follow through GFC; Sarah Diamond

I have followed you on twitter; Sarita_chiquita
The link to my tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/sarita_chiquita/status/169317481826107395

I have liked your FB page; Sarah Diamond


Sarah D. said...

I forgot my email :( Please don't disqualify me :(

My comment is above, under Sarah D. Just for extra clarification, my name is Sarah Diamond

my email is: iheartpiinkgems at aol dot com

thanks again!

rebecca said...

thanks for the giveaway!
gfc: rebecca
email: rebeccalikesnails@hotmail.com
facebook: Rebecca Chafe

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot!
gfc: Mel Giandzi
email: mgiandzi@hotmail.com

Lulu said...

GFC- Lulu
Follow on Twitter- @LuluFleg
Follow on FB- Olesia Flegka

Irina said...

Wow, this giveaway is amazing, and Llarowe has a ton of I would love to have.
I follow by GFC as irina
I follow on twitter as @love_muffin
I like your facebook page as irina istrate
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/love_muffin/status/169908977939918849
My email address is iry_n0ok@yahoo.com

triceratops said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I follow on GFC as triceratops.
My email is thankyouforthemusic191 at hotmail dot com!

MShell said...

GFC: MShell
Email: mdiggs44@gmail.com
FB: MichelleNadrian Diggs
Twitter: @MShellDgs

Thanks for the giveaway!! :)

Anonymous said...

GFC: Sirena Sparklestar
Email: sirenasparklestar at gmail dot com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/MoreSynthPlease/status/170379592148852736
FB: Sirena Sparklestar

Ace said...

GFC: ace
tellemitsace at gmail dot com
fb; ashley harris

QuitePolished said...

Following via GFC as Quite polished
email: quitepolished@gmail.com

Starlight Radiance said...

GFC Sarah at Starlight Radiance
email sarahkwoodall at gmail dot com

FB Sarah Woodall

Twitter: sarahstarlight7
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/SarahStarlight7/status/171477171766968321

jazzqueen64 said...

GFC jazzqueen64
email wendy_stanbury@hotmail.com
Twitter @wendystanbury64
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/wendystanbury64/status/171505897556803584

sarah said...

GFC: sarah

twitter name: @faitsarah

facebook name: madie tumblr

email: vite-fait@live.com

Glowstars said...

Fab one!

GFC: Glowstars
Twitter: Glowstars (https://twitter.com/#!/glowstars/status/171706975489490945)
FB: Vic Glowstars Pires
E: vic@glowstars.net