November 13, 2020

NEW- Zoya Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal Top Coat



Love the shiny, rich finish of gel-like top coat, but are tired of the long wait times required to achieve it? How about unwanted denting and sheet marks? Are you happy about losing the beautiful gloss and shine on your nails just a day later? Of course not…and neither were we! 


Introducing Naked Manicure Ultra Glossy Seal! A revolutionary twist on the classic top coat formula that delivers the highest shine, fastest dry time and longest wear never before possible from traditional top coats. This oxygen (Air) activated formula doesn’t require LED lamps or UV rays to work and can be used in any setting! Ultra Glossy includes a Z-Wide Brush!


...Dull is NOT an option! 


• Ultra Fast - 2x Faster Dry Time 

• Ultra Dense - Creates Dimension and Luster 

• Ultra Durable & Flexible - Strongest defense against chipping for up to 7 days 

• Ultra Shiny - Highest shine rating possible! 


What more can you ask for in a top coat?

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