
November 14, 2014

I Love Nail Polish Iconic

*Purchased by me*

OK who is prepping for the ILNP Ultra Chrome Flakies preorder today?? I know I am! It's really hard to choose which Ultra Chrome Flakies to try first, but I think I am going with Metropolis, Supernova and Electric Carnival. Then, if they are really spectacular, I will go back for more. I am also going to add Black Orchid to my cart. My birthday is tomorrow, so I have a good excuse LOL! If you're looking for a gorgeous nude/blush holo, you should consider adding I Love Nail Polish Iconic to your order. Iconic is really cool because indoors in low light, it's a pretty shimmery sand that is totally work appropriate and elegant looking. But outside or in certain artificial lights, it's like BAM!!! HOLO!!! The color itself is beautiful, it's a mix of blush, sand , and golden champagne tones. It could definitely function as a nude on some skin tones.

This is three coats of Iconic. The formula was great to work with and easy to apply. It covered very smoothly and I had no patchiness or dragging. I don't use base or top coats with holos.

 Here is Iconic indoors in low light. It's still stunning. I really like the fact that it looks professional inside and so rainbow-y outside.

*Purchased by me*

If you like nude holos, you will love Iconic. If you need work appropriate polish, but you'd like it to have some fun to it as well, definitely check this one out. So tell me, what are you preordering from ILNP today at 11 AM Pacific Time? ILNP Iconic and other pretties are available at